Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lentog Headland

Lentog Cape: joy of the Holy City Food Typical

Usually lentog cape enjoyed as a menu for breakfast, consisting of three main ingredients, there is a rice cake is cut into small pieces, vegetable categories (young jackfruit) and lodeh know

Holy - Holy is known as one of the religious tourist destination, as you well know, Ghost is a city where one of the Wali Songo buried.

Aside from being a religious tourism, the holy also has some culinary love to pass. In addition to porridge and soup holy holy, there is also lentog promontory into the typical food of the Holy city.

That said, the word comes from the combination lentog promontory between the characteristics of the food and the name of the originating region. Lentog derived from the fluffier and montog, which is the definition of shapes and flavors lontongnya. As for the Cape, an area where the name is becoming known lentog community.

Cape Lentog name is created which is now known up to some other cities. Lentog Cape is also one of the typical food of the Holy city of much-loved almost all walks of Ghost.

Usually lentog cape enjoyed as a menu for breakfast, consisting of three main ingredients, there is a rice cake is cut into small pieces, vegetable categories (young jackfruit) and lodeh know.

Served on a small plate covered with banana leaves and a sprinkling of fried onions, makes it even more tasty when eaten. Besides it looks simple, to eat it also does not use a spoon, but uses suru (spoon from banana leaves).

Although it looks very simple, but it's quite tempting to add more, because the portions are not too many. As for the complementary side dishes, there sate eggs, slices or crackers bakwan.

Culinary this one is pretty simple, are also very friendly. To enjoy lentog promontory just priced approximately Rp. 4,000 for each serving.

Lentog Cape can now be found almost in every corner of the Ghost, but if you want to enjoy in the region of origin, could come to the village of Tanjung Gang I, Holy.

In a street there are nearly 20 stalls that lined neatly serves lentog headland. Lentong taste sweet cape is a little bit, but each seller has the characteristic of each of the headland lentog accentuate the taste.

Usually lentog headlands could only be found from the morning until noon, more precisely around 6 am until about 11 noon each day.

But the weekend should be a bit special to be patient to enjoy it, because during the holidays or weekends are usually visitors increased nearly 2-fold more.

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