Friday, October 7, 2011

Identity of the sacred monument

o Tourism Object Identity Holy Monument is located in the village of Jati Subdistrict Getas Pejaten Ghost, to the right of the Holy Highway - Semarang, about 1 km to the south of the Alon-Alon / Simpang Seven (Holy city center).
o The area has historical value because the location of Tugu Identity is one of the holy warriors fighting in the struggle for independence.
a. Form and Meaning Monument Identity
Identity of Monument is a monument of the Holy Ghost in seizing people's struggle for independence RI.Tugu was built starting on May 25, 1986 and the opening performed by the Governor of Central Java, H. Ismail, on September 28, 1987.
The overall shape of monument identity of the Holy Ghost is stylisasi Tower, which has been declared a building shape that characterizes the region has become a symbol of the Holy and Sacred District;
The whole Lis (Java: seam) which is in the building monument symbolizes the meaning of identity struggle for the independence of Indonesia dated 17-8 -1945 and symbolizes the meaning of philosophy and world view of Indonesia, namely:
Lis at the top of the monument: 17 pieces
Lis in the center of the monument: 8 pieces
Lis in the bottom of the monument: 45 pieces
Lis at the top of the body below the monument: 5 pieces
Lis in the bottom of the bottom of the monument symbolizes the geographical conditions of the Holy District which consists of three parts, namely: the mountains, lowland, and swampy areas.
altar monument
Rounded base surrounds the monument symbolizes the spirit and determination in building a regional community of the Holy achieving the realization of the ideals of the Proclamation of 17 - 8-1945 based on Pancasila and 1945 Constitution.
b. Monument High Identity
Identity of high monument is 27 meters, blend 2 and 7 figures, amounting to 9 (nine); symbolizes the Wali Songo (Nine Wali), the 2 (two) of them located in Kudus, Sunan Muria and the Sunan Kudus

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